How to Unleash Your Potential and Come Through in the Clutch

Hello Reader,

We are thrilled to announce our new book: WIN THE INSIDE GAME.

How do we reach our potential? That’s the underlying question that is at the heart of this book.

We all want to perform our best when it matters most. Yet, all too often, the pressure gets us and we shy away when we should stand up, or we feel lost and overwhelmed. We know we’re capable of more. That's where Win the Inside Game comes in.

Win the Inside Game teaches us how to break free from our doubts and insecurities, deal with underperformance and choking, and come through in the clutch.

How do I know it will help you?

It is not only chock full of the latest research and experiences of world-class performers, but it’s also my most personal book yet. It came out of my experience as a whistleblower. I take you into the stress-filled world of blowing the whistle on the largest sporting goods company in the world and what it was like staring down their lawyers for hours on end. It explores when I got lost, and how I found my way back to summoning the courage needed, with the help of the principles outlined in this book.

As a newsletter subscriber, you'll get access to exclusive bonuses, including:

  • Bonus Book: 70+ page ebook: The Principles of Coaching and Training.
  • Online Course: 40+ hours of content on how to perform under pressure.
  • Free Guides on: The science of winning and losing, motivation, and more.
  • Bonus Chapters: "Lessons From a Failed Phenom" and "How Whistle-Blowing Redefined Courage."
  • Free 2 week Trial of The Growth Equation's Academy for Human Performance.
  • The Magness Method, Steve's running guide, including a video walk through of training programs and how to adjust them.

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Read on for more about the book and great time-limited preorder bonuses:

Striving is in our nature. We all want to win, to reach our potential. But in today's world, many of us feel lost, isolated, and overwhelmed. We're paralyzed by fear of failure and crippled by insecurities. We know we’re capable of more, yet no matter how hard we try, we feel stuck. We’ve been sold the wrong path to success.

In Win The Inside Game, Steve (with lots of help from Brad) argues that performance and fulfillment are not mutually exclusive; we can and should seek both. When we measure our worth by our achievements, cement our identities to our careers, and sacrifice our well-being in the pursuit of external validation, it backfires. We default to survival mode, protecting and defending ourselves instead of being free to fulfill our potential.

Win the Inside Game provides a three-part framework to help us to escape survival mode and achieve lasting success. This book provides a roadmap for self-discovery, authenticity, and peak performance, teaching us how to navigate challenges, handle failure, thrive under pressure, embrace our vulnerabilities, and cultivate meaningful connections with others. It's a guide to winning the game of life by mastering our inner selves.

Who is this book for?

  • The athlete who underperforms under pressure, crumbling when the stakes are high and unable to access their true capabilities.
  • The leader struggling with imposter syndrome, constantly doubting their abilities and fearing they'll be exposed as a fraud.
  • The perfectionist who feels paralyzed by fear of failure, unable to take risks or pursue their dreams because they're afraid of making mistakes.
  • The parent who is lost in conflicting information on how to help their child harness their gifts.
  • The person who has more to give, sensing untapped potential within themselves but struggling to break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs.
  • The high achiever who can't turn it off, constantly striving for more but finding themselves burned out, anxious, and disconnected from what truly matters.
  • The person who constantly chases external validation, and feels like they can’t let go of a world that often prioritizes gain and fame over all else.
  • Those who are struggling to do the right thing, to find the COURAGE to stand up, when they know deep down they should.

If you find value in our newsletter, you'll love this book. We believe it is our best work yet. It is an engrossing deep-dive with all original thinking and evidence-based insights and practices. It is the perfect book for our current moment. If you don't believe us, just check out some of the reviews below.

Pre-order WIN THE INSIDE GAME from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or wherever you buy books and then fill out this form to receive your bonuses.


"Win the Inside Game is a propulsive tour of how modern life — from credit reports to TikTok — has left us in a perpetual state of defensiveness. Magness deftly guides the reader in how to break out of the rut of feeling threatened and chase their biggest goals with vigor."

-David Epstein, New York Times bestselling author of Range and The Sports Gene

"WIN THE INSIDE GAME is a wise, entertaining book that makes the excellent case that winning is more about unshackling ourselves from our expectations and knee-jerk defensiveness than it is finding minuscule competitive edges and flavor-of-the-month performance hacks. Highly recommend!"

-Adam Alter, New York Times bestselling author of Irresistible and Anatomy of a Breakthrough

"If you feel like you're constantly chasing success without ever getting anywhere, you need this book. Win the Inside Game is an essential guide for learning how to build a healthy and personally meaningful life. Magness gives clear, practical advice for how to stop simply surviving and start thriving."

-Liz Fosslien and Mollie Duffy, Co-authors of the bestsellers No Hard Feelings and Big Feelings

"Win the Inside Game is a breath of fresh air that teaches how to shift the focus from external achievements to inner fulfillment. It’s an essential read for anyone interested in self-discovery and meaningful success."

-Amy Morin, Author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

"WIN THE INSIDE GAME has much to offer readers seeking tips on improving their competitive performance. But the principles Steve outlines in the book aren’t just a foundation for winning — they’re a formula for living a more balanced, satisfying life in every realm. Steve’s advice is generous, practical, wise and most importantly, attainable."

-Christie Aschwanden, Author of the New York Times bestseller, GOOD TO GO.

“Nobody distills the hidden principles of high performance better than Steve Magness. But WIN THE INSIDE GAME isn’t just about achieving success; it’s about finding happiness along the way, which is far more important.”

Alex Hutchinson, Author of ENDURE

Preorder now and you'll receive:

  • Bonus Book: 70+ page ebook: The Principles of Coaching and Training. This is the book I put together for my own personal use to coach professional athletes.
  • Online Course: 40+ hours of content on how to improve your mental game. (A $300+ value!)
  • Free Guides on: The biology of winning and losing, understanding choking, how the people and information around you makes you stressed, and more.
  • Bonus Chapters: "Lessons from a Failed Phenom and "How Whistle-blowing Redefined Courage."
  • Free 2 week Trial of The Growth Equation's Academy for Human Performance.
  • Extras from Steve's Running Library, including sample running training plans

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Launching a book is hard. It's a sprint, then a marathon. If you would like to help, It would mean the world to me. Every little bit helps. How can you help?

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We appreciate you reading our work and we look forward to continuing to unpack and wrestle with the ideas and practices in Win the Inside Game. We hope you ordered the book today!

Thanks for supporting my work. It means the world to me,


The Growth Equation

Perform at your best at the things that matter most to you. At the Growth Equation, we are dedicated to bringing you pragmatic, no-nonsense information, tools, and practices to help you cultivate sustainable and fulfilling success and excellence.

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