
The Growth Equation

Perform at your best at the things that matter most to you. At the Growth Equation, we are dedicated to bringing you pragmatic, no-nonsense information, tools, and practices to help you cultivate sustainable and fulfilling success and excellence.

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How to Unleash Your Potential and Come Through in the Clutch

Hello Reader, We are thrilled to announce our new book: WIN THE INSIDE GAME. How do we reach our potential? That’s the underlying question that is at the heart of this book. We all want to perform our best when it matters most. Yet, all too often, the pressure gets us and we shy away when we should stand up, or we feel lost and overwhelmed. We know we’re capable of more. That's where Win the Inside Game comes in. Win the Inside Game teaches us how to break free from our doubts and...

Nurturing Independence Read on Reflect: Quick Thought When it comes to both sport and traditionally-conceived ideas of masculinity, people often conflate suffering and performance. Suffering can be an element of performance, since gritting it out teaches you how to navigate discomfort. But suffering is about simply enduring, whereas performance is about achieving a specific outcome. If we want to be and perform our best, we need to understand the signals our body is sending...

Finding the Right State to Perform Read on Reflect: Quick Thought Remember those "cool" kids in gym class who never tried? They weren't cool. They were afraid of failing and being embarrassed. True strength caring and embracing the struggle, not hiding from it. Read: Growth Eq Original Feature Getting in the Right State to Perform (Read this on the Growth EQ website here.) Before the Olympic 200-meter final, Noah Lyles came out of the tunnel, bouncing around like a maniac....

The Truth About Greatness Read on You Don't Have to be an Asshole to be Great Read on What does it take to win, to be your best—if not the best—at what you do? Unfortunately, there is a longstanding narrative that being the best requires being an asshole. You have to be single-minded, obsessed, despise losing, hate your competitors, or some variation of those ideas. Early in Steve's coaching career, that's what he saw. Whether it was Lance Armstrong or Alberto...

Olympic Lessons Read on Olympic SPECIAL: Get 40% off the Growth Equation Academy for Human Performance (and join us for our exclusive live Olympic coverage): Sign up here. Reflect: Quick Thought The fire has to come from within. If you look at the research on prodigies and phenoms who eventually become standout adult performers, a deep intrinsic drive is a requirement. Success often pulls us away from this inner drive and toward external rewards. But it's important to keep...

What The Best Can Teach Us About Winning Read on Reflect: Quick Thought On your phone before performing? Research shows it: impairs decision making in soccer players; alters gains in strength training; reduces training gains in swimming and endurance performance. Prior to meaningful events, think twice before you scroll. Read: Growth Eq Original Feature What The Best Can Teach Us About Winning (Read this on the Growth EQ website here.) Noah Lyles is the reigning 100m world...

The Need for Peak Experiences in a Superficial World Read on Reflect: Quick Thought Often, the thing that makes us great is the thing that will get in our way. It's one reason elite athletes have coaches: to prevent them from doing dumb things, from letting their drive to turn into obsession that gets them hurt. We all need someone to balance us out. Who is that person for you? Read: Growth Eq Original Feature The Need for Peak Experiences in a Superficial World (Read this on...

The Truth about Vo2max Read on Reflect: Quick Thought The people who achieve big and audacious goals are rarely obsessed with achieving big and audacious goals. They are focused on the path, on the process. They weather ups and downs. They take small and consistent steps, knowing big gains come as a byproduct that. Read: Growth Eq Original Feature Should You Care About Vo2max for Health and Longevity? (Read More on the Growth EQ Website Here.) If you ever traffic in the health...

Welcome!Every week, we dive into research studies that caught my eye. This week we look at everything from the impact of sleep on recovery, to motivation and striving, to group hierarchies and battles for status. Let's get into the science! -Steve Do Players Perform Better During Contract Years? What they found: In professional sports there's an old adage that athletes perform better during their final year of their contract year. They have something to prove and money to earn, conventional...

Meet Your Heroes—And Be Disappointed.

The Value of Holding Back Read on Reflect: Quick Thought Hustle and grind culture is like a kid who is new to running a 400-meter race. They sprint off the line. Think they are winning. They keep pushing and pressing, never settling in. And then, inevitably, they hit bricks, slow down, and fall apart. The person who learns to settle into a fast but sustainable rhythm, however—that person wins the race. They ignore the kid sprinting off the line and run their own race. Learn:...